The Journey
When NBA legend Tracy McGrady was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame, it was an apropos time for him to reflect on his trials and tribulations. With the blessing of partner Samsung, I hired Tracy to document his multi-part story. "The Journey" aired on ABC during the NBA Finals. Samsung was an amazing partner and only asked for minimal brand integration, so Tracy's story could be the focal point. A personal thrill was working with former Knicks coach and ESPN announcer Jeff Van Gundy. JVG was equal parts raw, sanguine, and just fun to be around — as was his former player, Tracy.
Global Exploration of Teamwork
"Project Teamwork" was an award-winning ESPN branded content digital series in partnership with Samsung. I produced and directed 12 episodes on how world-class athletes utilize “teamwork" with Samsung Galaxy smartphones. Filmed in Jamaica, Netherlands, Barcelona, Morocco and Brazil, "Project Teamwork" embodied the essence of global team sports.
Cruzing in London
When Jaguar wanted to make its latest flashy car more relatable to the American market, they turned to ESPN and my production team to create a multi-part series. Before long, we were zipping through London with Victor Cruz and Jo Ankier talking sports and cultural differences between Americans and Brits. A two-day shoot resulted in 3 episodes on SportsCenter… and heightened awareness of driving on the right side of the road.